My name is Shawn Gibbs I am the owner and Chief instructor here at ASK Defensive Training Co.
I started shooting with my father at age 5 with a Christmas gift of a Ted Williams single shot lever action .22 rifle, I still have it to this day, it is one of my most treasure items. I continued shooting with my father all through high school, whether it was target shooting or hunting, we were always evolved in the shooting sports.
Then when I was 18, I joined the United States Marine Corps; there is where I truly learned what rifle marksmanship was all about, as well as the need to be proficient with the rifle, as it could be what saves my life or my fellow Marines life one day. This is also where I took my first shot with John Browning’s best work, the 1911 A1 Pistol. Little did I know at the time that first magazine of .45 APC would start a love affair that lasted a life time.
I have always been the one in the group that was teaching everyone how to shoot, so when I started helping with the juniors program at West End Gun Club in September 2012 I figured I should become a NRA Certified Instructor. I did so in all disciplines.
Pistol shooting has been a passion of mine for a number of years. I have competed in a few local IDPA, Action Pistol and a few 3 Gun events, mostly for fun.
The thing that really truly has got my attention is defensive pistol shooting. It truly gives me comfort knowing that I can place a controlled pair exactly where I want them, whenever I need to do so, for the protection of myself or a family member. I love teaching it, sharing my passion with others by passing on the knowledge and skills through my experiences. As I am a firm believer that you can never train enough, shoot enough or learn enough, as you must stay sharp and on top of your game.
Thank You!