Defensive Rifle
The dynamic rifle series of classes is designed to demonstrate the full potential of a center fire rifle in a hostile environment. Of all the small arms, the rifle is the premiere implement to apply significant stopping power at great distances. When properly employed, it is also very effective at close ranges.
Rifle marksmanship is an exercise in stillness and absolute control of position, breathing, and trigger. In these classes you will learn to manipulate and control your body position to adapt and overcome a hostile threat. You will learn to shoot and control your rifle while moving and shooting in a rapid fire situation.
We will be shooting both paper and steel targets from 10 feet to 200 yards. This will be both fun and challenging course.
Required Gear for rifle courses
You will need a center fire rifle, a sling, a minimum of 3 magazines and magazine a pouch to carry at least 2, a quality optic (must hold a zero!) or iron sights, knee and elbow pads can be helpful and are highly recommended, proper attire as we will be getting in and out of different shooting positions in the dirt and rocks. Additional gear needed for the level III course: handgun and holster with 3 magazines/speed loaders and pouches. Night Course Weapons mounted light, headlight and extra batteries for both.
Dynamic Defensive Rifle I
In this class the shooter will learn and practice the standing shooting position while using a sling as it would be employed in a defensive shooting situation. The shooter will learn and practice how to keep their rifle up and running at all times, including malfunction clearing, reloads and ammo management. This is a 4-6 hour 100% hands on shooting class.
ASK (Night) Dynamic Defensive Rifle Course
In this course you will learn the proper use of light for defensive shooting with firearm mounted lights.
This is not a basic class! You need good rifle handling skills, good rifle marksmanship, familiarity with all your gear and good daytime shooting skills. This is a 3 to 5 hour course
Dynamic Defensive Rifle II
This class requires completion of Dynamic Defensive Rifle I as the skills of the basic class will be built upon with the use of 3 new positions (sitting, knelling and prone) and the use of movement. You will learn to shoot while moving forward, backward and laterally to and from cover, how to utilize all available cover and concealment with the 4 positions used in this course. This is a 4-6 hour 100% hands on shooting class.
Dynamic Defensive Rifle III
(Prerequisite to taking this course is Rifle I & II as well as Advanced Pistol)
This class is the third segment of our rifle series and you will use all that you learned in the first two classes plus you will now be taught to use a secondary weapon system as a backup. You will learn transitions from rifle to pistol and pistol to rifle. How and when to employ them, as well as working as a team to neutralize threat scenarios.
This is a 2 day 100% hands on shooting class.
Ammo Requirements for Rifle courses
(Level I) 250 rounds of ball/FMJ ammo No steel core ammo
(Night Course) 100 rounds of ball/FMJ ammo No steel core ammo
(Level II) 250 rounds of ball/FMJ ammo No steel core ammo
(Level III) 400 rounds of ball/FMJ ammo No steel core ammo 100 rounds of pistol ammo.
You can download all course descriptions and pricing from the ASK Training Courses page
Hours: Tuesday-Friday 11am-6pm, Saturday 9am-5pm, Closed Sunday and Monday
- ASK Defensive Training Co.
- 1399 West Colton Ave., Unit 6 Redlands, CA 92374
- (909) 307-1400
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