My law enforcement career spans four decades. Beginning in 1985 with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. I retired in 2018 as a Commercial Enforcement Officer and Collision Reconstructionist on the Major Accident Investigation Team for the Rialto Police Department, after serving the Rialto Community for 15 years.
During my Law Enforcement career, I have worked numerous special details, including SWAT. I hold several Law Enforcement Certifications. Some of which are, Special Weapons and Tactics, Weaponless Defense Instructor, Field Training Officer, FBI/DOJ Firearms Instructor, ASP Collapsible Baton Instructor, Realistic Assault Confrontation Instructor, Active Shooter Training and an Advanced P.O.S.T.
While employed as an administrator and lead investigator for a class action law firm, I was an instructor for the San Bernardino Valley College in the PC 832-Police Science Studies and part of the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Academy as a Firearms Instructor and Use of Force Instructor with collateral duties in the High Altitude and Mountain Search Operations, all as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff. Additional professional experience includes private contracting and executive protection for major corporations, high profile clients, and clandestine facilities. I have also been retained as a consultant and expert in both civil and administrative use of force and firearms matters.
During the past 25 years, I have trained civilian, law enforcement, tactical teams, and military personnel. The instruction encompassed all levels of “Force on Force” and firearms training, from basic to advanced. My teaching philosophy is simple; “The success and skill of the student is a direct reflection of the instructor”. Teaching techniques must be fluid, with the ability to build from the student’s strong points while addressing their weak areas, resulting in increased confidence and skills for the student. A complete “Force on Force” and “Firearms” training curriculum will cover not only the physical and mental skills but also legal aspects both criminal and civil.